There was a great turn out for Heritage Day 2023 to celebrate the history and heritage of Hythe Pier and Railway. There was lots to see and do, providing interest and entertainment for young and old alike.
On the pier there were displays of heritage artefacts and information boards plus a video presentation. For youngsters there was a fun Heritage Trail to complete.
Sarah Marsden’s History Walks and Talks, also proved popular, with her taking groups of people around the pier and village.
The pier workshop was open for inspection and HPHA volunteers were on hand to answer any questions.

Right next to the pier the ‘Hythe Shed at the Pier’ welcomed visitors and there was a model railway display and large scale model trains courtesy of Exbury Railway. Vintage vehicles were also exhibited at the event.
The Dutton amphibious car offered rides to give visitors the opportunity to take to the water.
An avenue of gazebo’s housed a variety of stalls including HPHA Merchandise, Book and Toy stalls, Teddy Tombola, Simon Chadwick Cartooning, and a ‘pop-up’ café provided much needed refreshments.

Local magician Roger Lapin kept folk entertained while New Forest Brass and the Front Line Ukulele group supplied musical accompaniment to proceedings.

With great thanks to our event sponsors,

. . . . and all who attended, making the day a huge success.
Just over £3000 was raised to support the work of HPHA to preserve and restore Hythe’s historic Pier and Railway.
Photographs courtesy of John Greenwood, Elliott Hunter Photography and Tina Brown.