We were very proud to welcome HRH the Duke of Gloucester to Hythe Pier on 2nd October 2024.
The Duke, who has a keen interest in architecture had kindly offered to open the newly restored platform and associated tracks.
The visit commenced with his Royal Highness being introduced to restoration volunteers from HPHA and Hythe Shed (at the Pier), members of Hythe Ferry staff and local councillors.

The Duke was then escorted to the pier workshop where ferry engineers and Hythe Shed (at the Pier) volunteers were able to explain the carriage and tractor restoration work undertaken there.

Outside the workshop HPHA board member, John Goddard (CEng) explained the work involved in the station restoration project which initially necessitated structural work to take the load off decaying Victorian beams.

Tractor unit ‘Edward Fort’ which is currently undergoing restoration was also of interest to the Duke.
His Royal Highness was then taken around to the ticket office and he stepped up onto the new platform for the opening ceremony. After a short speech the Duke duly cut the ribbon to applause from a group of invited guests and the new Hythe Pier station was officially open.

The Duke then boarded the Pier train to travel to the seaward end of the Pier.

Waiting with a warm welcome in the waiting room were a group of pupils and staff from Hythe Primary School. They explained the part they played with the initial fundraising for Carriage 4 restoration which involved them writing letters to the Beaulieu Beaufort Foundation.

Before the Duke of Gloucester’s departure, he chatted with invited guests and was given a presentation piece of the original pier railway track as a memento of his visit.