Hythe Pier Heritage Association

Heritage Day 2024

The 2024 Heritage Day got under way with a gathering in rather ‘damp’ conditions at the newly refurbished station platform for the naming of the second (16302) tractor unit, it’s restoration now nearing completion.

Chairman of HPHA, Anthony Smith introduced Jo Shields, daughter of Edward Fort, the chairman of the Beaulieu Beaufort Foundation, who have provided much of the funding for our restoration projects. Jo cut the ribbon to officially name the unit ‘Edward Fort’ in his honour. Even with rain drops running down its new green livery, it was a splendid sight.

In spite of the dismal weather many hardy folk turned out to enjoy the attractions around the pier and the adjacent Hythe Shed (at the Pier).

The pier workshop was open for visitors to chat with the engineers involved in the restoration work as well as displays of heritage pier railway parts.

Unfortunately the pier itself was too slippery to be safe  to walk on, however, engine ‘Gerald York’ was on hand running free pier train rides.

Wandering back to The Shed there were some fine heritage vehicles to be seen.

The Shed itself was open with various display items and Shed volunteers were more than happy to talk about the railway carriage restoration work undertaken there. Historian Marc Heighway also gave a fascinating talk.

On the quayside an avenue of gazebos housed a ‘pop-up’ café, the HPHA merchandise stall, book stall and other attractions.

Youngsters could search for various hidden nautical flags to complete the children’s trail.

New Forest Brass provided a musical accompaniment throughout proceedings to keep spirits high.

Rock the Pier 2024

Hythe Promenade was rocking as our very popular live music event ‘Rock the Pier’ took place on 15th June . Once again a large audience of all ages gave the event their enthusiastic support.

Stone Branches opened up the event at midday and there was a full line-up of bands right through to nearly 7pm when the always popular Soul Catchers brought the day to a close.

When there was a brief pause in the live music during band change-overs Byron Witchell and Rozzy Turner took over to hold the audiences attention with sing along hits and games for the youngsters.

Thank-you to all the bands who gave their time for free.

And we are grateful for the support of our Rock the Pier event sponsors. Without their help it would not be possible to run Rock the Pier.

HPHA would like to say thankyou to all our volunteers and those who worked hard to organise and run Rock the Pier.

And of course a big thankyou to everyone who attended Rock the Pier and those who made donations.

The event raised a total of £13,900 from sponsorship, donations, merchandise and other sales. After costs this has left £7,400 which will go into HPHA funds to help with our work to preserve and restore Hythe Pier and Railway.

Heritage Day 2023.

There was a great turn out for Heritage Day 2023 to celebrate the history and heritage of Hythe Pier and Railway. There was lots to see and do, providing interest and entertainment for young and old alike.

On the pier there were displays of heritage artefacts and information boards plus a video presentation. For youngsters there was a fun Heritage Trail to complete.

Sarah Marsden’s History Walks and Talks, also proved popular, with her taking groups of people around the pier and village.

The pier workshop was open for inspection and HPHA volunteers were on hand to answer any questions.

Right next to the pier the ‘Hythe Shed at the Pier’ welcomed visitors and there was a model railway display and large scale model trains courtesy of Exbury Railway. Vintage vehicles were also exhibited at the event.

The Dutton amphibious car offered rides to give visitors the opportunity to take to the water.

An avenue of gazebo’s housed a variety of stalls including HPHA Merchandise, Book and Toy stalls, Teddy Tombola, Simon Chadwick Cartooning, and a ‘pop-up’ café provided much needed refreshments.

Local magician Roger Lapin kept folk entertained while New Forest Brass and the  Front Line Ukulele group supplied musical accompaniment to proceedings.

With great thanks to our event sponsors,

. . . . and all who attended, making the day a huge success.

Just over £3000 was raised to support the work of HPHA to preserve and restore Hythe’s historic Pier and Railway.

Photographs courtesy of John Greenwood, Elliott Hunter Photography and Tina Brown.

Rock the Pier 2023.

People turned out in their hundreds to enjoy the ever popular Rock the Pier music event.

With threatening weather conditions it was touch and go if the event would actually take place but GO, it certainly did.

The enthusiastic audience were treated to some great music from our rosta of bands, all who gave their time for free.

Getting the day off to an energetic start were the ever popular Trav Cats, closely followed by The Johnson Van Dykes, some of who’s members looked remarkably like some members of the Trav Cats 😉 Vision kept the entertainment going with their Brit Pop influenced set. Joining us again, REMbrandt continued the entertainment. A Rock the Pier newcomer, local indie band Stone Branches were a popular addition. Finally a much loved favourite, The Soulcatchers had the whole audience up and dancing to bring the show to a close. There was no let up in the entertainment at anytime, back by popular request our compere Byron Witchell and singer Rozzie Turner kept things going while the band change overs took place.

This event only happens due to the generosity of our event sponsors, the bands who give their time for free plus the HPHA volunteers who organise and run the event on the day. We rely on your donations to help run the event and fund the work of HPHA to preserve and restore Hythe Pier and Railway.

A big thankyou to The Scratch Project, The Lord Nelson, and Zilwoods for sponsoring us again.

We were pleased to have two new sponsors this year; New Forest Care providers of much needed care for children and vulnerable young people. Philpotts Fish & Chips who were pleased to serve tasty sustenance to a hungry audience.

The total amount of money taken through donations, sponsorship and merchandise sales at this year’s Rock The Pier was £9,000. A big thankyou to our audience for your enthusiasm and donations supporting the work of HPHA to preserve and restore Hythe’s historic pier and railway.